📝 Exercise M6.04#
The aim of the exercise is to get familiar with the histogram gradient-boosting in scikit-learn. Besides, we will use this model within a cross-validation framework in order to inspect internal parameters found via grid-search.
We will use the California housing dataset.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
data, target = fetch_california_housing(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
target *= 100 # rescale the target in k$
First, create a histogram gradient boosting regressor. You can set the trees number to be large, and configure the model to use early-stopping.
# Write your code here.
We will use a grid-search to find some optimal parameter for this model. In this grid-search, you should search for the following parameters:
max_depth: [3, 8]
;max_leaf_nodes: [15, 31]
;learning_rate: [0.1, 1]
Feel free to explore the space with additional values. Create the grid-search providing the previous gradient boosting instance as the model.
# Write your code here.
Finally, we will run our experiment through cross-validation. In this regard,
define a 5-fold cross-validation. Besides, be sure to shuffle the data.
Subsequently, use the function sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate
to run
the cross-validation. You should also set return_estimator=True
, so that we
can investigate the inner model trained via cross-validation.
# Write your code here.
Now that we got the cross-validation results, print out the mean and standard deviation score.
# Write your code here.
Then inspect the estimator
entry of the results and check the best
parameters values. Besides, check the number of trees used by the model.
# Write your code here.
Inspect the results of the inner CV for each estimator of the outer CV. Aggregate the mean test score for each parameter combination and make a box plot of these scores.
# Write your code here.