🏁 Wrap-up quiz 2

🏁 Wrap-up quiz 2#

This quiz requires some programming to be answered.

Open the dataset blood_transfusion.csv with the following command:

import pandas as pd

blood_transfusion = pd.read_csv("../datasets/blood_transfusion.csv")
target_name = "Class"
data = blood_transfusion.drop(columns=target_name)
target = blood_transfusion[target_name]

blood_transfusion is a pandas dataframe. The column β€œClass” contains the target variable.


Select the correct answers from the following proposals.

  • a) The problem to be solved is a regression problem

  • b) The problem to be solved is a binary classification problem (exactly 2 possible classes)

  • c) The problem to be solved is a multiclass classification problem (more than 2 possible classes)

  • d) The proportions of the class counts are imbalanced: some classes have more than twice as many rows than others

Select all answers that apply

Hint: target.unique(), and target.value_counts() are methods that are helpful to answer to this question.


Using a sklearn.dummy.DummyClassifier and the strategy "most_frequent", what is the average of the accuracy scores obtained by performing a 10-fold cross-validation?

  • a) ~25%

  • b) ~50%

  • c) ~75%

Select a single answer

Hint: You can check the documentation of sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score here and sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate here.


Repeat the previous experiment but compute the balanced accuracy instead of the accuracy score. Pass scoring="balanced_accuracy" when calling cross_validate or cross_val_score functions, the mean score is:

  • a) ~25%

  • b) ~50%

  • c) ~75%

Select a single answer

We will use a sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier for the remainder of this quiz.


Why is it relevant to add a preprocessing step to scale the data using a StandardScaler when working with a KNeighborsClassifier?

  • a) faster to compute the list of neighbors on scaled data

  • b) k-nearest neighbors is based on computing some distances. Features need to be normalized to contribute approximately equally to the distance computation.

  • c) This is irrelevant. One could use k-nearest neighbors without normalizing the dataset and get a very similar cross-validation score.

Select a single answer

Create a scikit-learn pipeline (using sklearn.pipeline.make_pipeline) where a StandardScaler will be used to scale the data followed by a KNeighborsClassifier. Use the default hyperparameters.


Inspect the parameters of the created pipeline. What is the value of K, the number of neighbors considered when predicting with the k-nearest neighbors.

  • a) 1

  • b) 3

  • c) 5

  • d) 8

  • e) 10

Select a single answer

Hint: You can use model.get_params() to get the parameters of a scikit-learn estimator.


Set n_neighbors=1 in the previous model and evaluate it using a 10-fold cross-validation. Use the balanced accuracy as a score. What can you say about this model? Compare the average of the train and test scores to argument your answer.

  • a) The model clearly underfits

  • b) The model generalizes

  • c) The model clearly overfits

Select a single answer

Hint: compute the average test score and the average train score and compare them. Make sure to pass return_train_score=True to the cross_validate function to also compute the train score.

We now study the effect of the parameter n_neighbors on the train and test score using a validation curve. You can use the following parameter range:

import numpy as np

param_range = np.array([1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500])

Also, use a 5-fold cross-validation and compute the balanced accuracy score instead of the default accuracy score (check the scoring parameter). Finally, plot the average train and test scores for the different value of the hyperparameter. We recall that the name of the parameter can be found using model.get_params().


Select the true affirmations stated below:

  • a) The model underfits for a range of n_neighbors values between 1 to 10

  • b) The model underfits for a range of n_neighbors values between 10 to 100

  • c) The model underfits for a range of n_neighbors values between 100 to 500

Select a single answer


Select the most correct of the affirmations stated below:

  • a) The model overfits for a range of n_neighbors values between 1 to 10

  • b) The model overfits for a range of n_neighbors values between 10 to 100

  • c) The model overfits for a range of n_neighbors values between 100 to 500

Select a single answer


Select the most correct of the affirmations stated below:

  • a) The model best generalizes for a range of n_neighbors values between 1 to 10

  • b) The model best generalizes for a range of n_neighbors values between 10 to 100

  • c) The model best generalizes for a range of n_neighbors values between 100 to 500

Select a single answer