✅ Quiz#
With a same dataset, feature importance might differs if:
a) we use two different models
b) we use two different train/test split with a same model
c) we use a same model with a different set of hyper-parameters
d) we use a same model with the same set of hyper-parameters but a different random_state
In linear model, the feature importance:
a) might be infer from the coefficients
b) might be infer by
c) need a regularization to infer the importance
d) is a built-in attribute
If two feature are the same (thus correlated)
a) their feature importance will be the same
b) their feature importance will be divided by 2
c) only one will receive all the feature importance, the second one will be 0
d) it depends
The feature importance provided by the scikit-learn random forest:
a) has bias for categorical feature
b) has bias for continuous (high cardinality) feature
c) is independent from the train/test split
d) is independent from the hyper-parameters
To evaluate the feature importance for a specific model, one could:
a) drop a column and compare the score
b) shuffle a column and compare the score
c) put all column to 0 and compare the score
d) change a column value to random number and compare the score