βœ… Quiz M4.01

βœ… Quiz M4.01#


What is a linear regression?

  • a) a model that outputs a continuous prediction as the sum of the values of a limited subset of the input features

  • b) a model that outputs a binary prediction based on a linear combination of the values of the input features

  • c) a model that outputs a continuous prediction as a weighted sum of the input features

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Is it possible to get a perfect fit (zero prediction error on the training set) with a linear classifier by itself on a non-linearly separable dataset?

  • a) yes

  • b) no

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If we fit a linear regression where X is a single column vector, how many parameters our model will be made of?

  • a) 1

  • b) 2

  • c) 3

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If we train a scikit-learn LinearRegression with X being a single column vector and y a vector, coef_ and intercept_ will be respectively:

  • a) an array of shape (1, 1) and a number

  • b) an array of shape (1,) and an array of shape (1,)

  • c) an array of shape (1, 1) and an array of shape (1,)

  • d) an array of shape (1,) and a number

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The decision boundaries of a logistic regression model:

  • a) split classes using only one of the input features

  • b) split classes using a combination of the input features

  • c) often have curved shapes

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For a binary classification task, what is the shape of the array returned by the predict_proba method for 10 input samples?

  • a) (10,)

  • b) (10, 2)

  • c) (2, 10)

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In logistic regression’s predict_proba method in scikit-learn, which of the following statements is true regarding the predicted probabilities?

  • a) The sum of probabilities across different classes for a given sample is always equal to 1.0.

  • b) The sum of probabilities across all samples for a given class is always equal to 1.0.

  • c) The sum of probabilities across all features for a given class is always equal to 1.0.

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