📝 Exercise M6.03#
The aim of this exercise is to:
verifying if a random forest or a gradient-boosting decision tree overfit if the number of estimators is not properly chosen;
use the early-stopping strategy to avoid adding unnecessary trees, to get the best generalization performances.
We use the California housing dataset to conduct our experiments.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
data, target = fetch_california_housing(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
target *= 100 # rescale the target in k$
data_train, data_test, target_train, target_test = train_test_split(
data, target, random_state=0, test_size=0.5
If you want a deeper overview regarding this dataset, you can refer to the Appendix - Datasets description section at the end of this MOOC.
Create a gradient boosting decision tree with max_depth=5
# Write your code here.
Also create a random forest with fully grown trees by setting max_depth=None
# Write your code here.
For both the gradient-boosting and random forest models, create a validation
curve using the training set to assess the impact of the number of trees on
the performance of each model. Evaluate the list of parameters param_range = np.array([1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100])
and use the mean absolute error.
# Write your code here.
Random forest models improve when increasing the number of trees in the ensemble. However, the scores reach a plateau where adding new trees just makes fitting and scoring slower.
Gradient boosting models overfit when the number of trees is too large. To avoid adding a new unnecessary tree, unlike random-forest gradient-boosting offers an early-stopping option. Internally, the algorithm uses an out-of-sample set to compute the generalization performance of the model at each addition of a tree. Thus, if the generalization performance is not improving for several iterations, it stops adding trees.
Now, create a gradient-boosting model with n_estimators=1_000
. This number
of trees is certainly too large. Change the parameter n_iter_no_change
such that the gradient boosting fitting stops after adding 5 trees to avoid
deterioration of the overall generalization performance.
# Write your code here.
Estimate the generalization performance of this model again using the
metric but this time using the test set
that we held out at the beginning of the notebook. Compare the resulting value
with the values observed in the validation curve.
# Write your code here.