| winPointingDevice (URI uri) |
void | getAbsolutePosition (double *x, double *y) const override |
| getAbsolutePosition Returns absolute position of the device if available otherwise -1, -1 More...
| SystemPointingDevice (URI uri) |
bool | isActive (void) const |
| Indicates whether the current device is active. More...
int | getVendorID (void) const |
| Vendor identifier number. More...
std::string | getVendor (void) const |
| Readable vendor name. More...
int | getProductID (void) const |
| Product identifier number. More...
std::string | getProduct (void) const |
| Readable product name. More...
double | getResolution (double *defval=0) const |
| Resolution of the mouse in CPI (counts per inch). More...
double | getUpdateFrequency (double *defval=0) const |
| Update frequency of the mouse in Hz. More...
URI | getURI (bool expanded=false, bool crossplatform=false) const |
| Constructs the URI according to the parameters of the device. More...
void | setPointingCallback (PointingCallback callback, void *context=0) |
| Sets the callback function which is called when device events occur. More...
void | setDebugLevel (int level) |
| Sets the level of information for debugging purposes (default = 0).
virtual void | debug (std::ostream &) const |
| Outputs the debug information to the given output stream.
int | mm2counts (double millimeters) const |
double | counts2mm (int counts) const |
int | in2counts (double inches) const |
double | counts2in (int counts) const |
enum | { BUTTON_1 =1,
BUTTON_2 =2,
} |
typedef void(* | PointingCallback )(void *context, TimeStamp::inttime timestamp, int dx, int dy, int buttons) |
static void | idle (int milliseconds) |
| The function is used to sleep the current thread. More...
static PointingDevice * | create (const char *device_uri=0) |
| This static function is used to instantiate a platform-specific object of the class. More...
static PointingDevice * | create (std::string device_uri) |
void | registerTimestamp (TimeStamp::inttime timestamp, int dx, int dy) |
| registerTimestamp Registers the current timestamp to calculate frequency of the device
double | estimatedUpdateFrequency () const |
| estimatedUpdateFrequency Estimates the frequency depending on the input timestamps More...
URI | uri |
URI | anyURI |
double | forced_cpi = -1. |
double | forced_hz = -1. |
int | vendorID = 0 |
int | productID = 0 |
int | debugLevel = 0 |
PointingCallback | callback = NULL |
void * | callback_context = NULL |
std::string | vendor |
std::string | product |
bool | active = false |
FrequencyEstimator | freqEstim |